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Today’s Food for the Soul: Matthew Chapters 22-24

Today’s Food for the Soul: Matthew Chapters 22-24

The Greatest in God’s Kingdom

“But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant.” (Matthew 23:11, NKJV)

It is one thing to find one’s significance, and to aspire to a place of distinction is another. Throughout the history of humankind, we learned that people perform crazy things, if not brutal, just to be in a state of greatness.

Almost all the great men known in human history used force, strength, violence, and tyranny to claim greatness. The worldly perspective of greatness is associated with being on the top, ruling, and being served; a person of power whose influence brings their subjects in dread and compels them to do everything as servants.

The Lord Jesus Christ’s teaching on greatness in the context of God’s Kingdom opposes the latter idea. His teaching implicates humility, just as He exemplified – He did not come to be served but to serve.

He taught them that the only way to greatness in God’s Kingdom is through servanthood (Matthew 20:26-28). The world may not agree with His definition of greatness, but this is what He commands His followers. Therefore, if you desire to be great in God’s kingdom, be a servant of all!

– Contributed by Ptr Erline Crisostomo