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Today’s Food for the Soul: Matthew Chapters 25-26

Today’s Food for the Soul: Matthew Chapters 25-26

Watch and Pray!

“Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Matthew 26:41, NKJV)

The celebration of the Passover with His disciples is now over. The Lord Jesus Christ is near the end of His earthly ministry. He was about to be betrayed and be delivered into the hands of His enemies. In preparation for the upcoming agony, being sorrowful and distressed, He went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. And right before the hastening series of events of Christ’s suffering that will lead up to His crucifixion, He gave instructions to His disciples to stay and watch with Him while He prays at a distance. Sadly, He found them sleeping when He came back. This time with a pleading command, He said, “Watch and pray …” He knew their weakness, for after that, not only did they fall asleep once, but twice – they did not watch and pray. 

Some may find this scene hilarious, maybe ridiculous, or outright disappointing. Perhaps you questioned the disciples’ actions just like Jesus’ reaction – “What!” or “How can you do that, you were with Jesus the Messiah?!” But then I ask myself, “Is it hard to stay awake and pray after a tiring day of preparation and dinner party while sitting in a peaceful garden with an evening breeze?” Is there truly an excuse?

As I reflect on the passage – Indeed the Lord knows our weakness!

It is the very reason for His warning. Not only as His parting words for His disciples before they got scattered but for all of us – watching and praying is critical in overcoming temptation!

– Contributed by Ptr Neil Marlon Crisostomo