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Today’s Food for the Soul: Mark Chapters 1-5

Today’s Food for the Soul: Mark Chapters 1-5

Fulfilled in Jesus, Empowered by the Holy Spirit

“I have baptized you with water, but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit” (Mark 1:8, ESV)  

Imagine the excitement felt by those who heard John the Baptist say those words. Now, who knows how many people ACTUALLY understood what John was going on about? (I mean, it’s not too much a stretch to assume a lot of folks weren’t exactly experts in Old Testament prophecy nor knowledgeable about the soon-to-be realized triune Godhead — Jehovah, the Father; Christ Jesus, the Word Incarnate; and the Holy Spirit or ‘eternal breath’ as seen in Hebrews 9:14 and Job 33:4) One thing, however, was certain: It wouldn’t be long before people realized that Jesus’ redemptive work on the cross and resurrection to ascension would gift us with – by God’s grace and through His Spirit – the same authority and power to heal our sick and victor over Satan and his demons — “[Jesus] would not allow the demons to speak, because THEY RECOGNIZED HIM AS THE SON OF GOD” (Mark 1:34b, AMP).

Moreover, the Holy Spirit would soon forever remind us that “new wine is for fresh wineskins” (Mark 2:22, ESV). Guiding us – past our salvation – to further pursue a God-honoring life via Wisdom & Understanding, Counsel & Might, and Knowledge & Fear of the Lord (Isaiah 11:2, NKJV), rooted in the abundance of joy at the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 13:44, ESV). What more should we, children of the Most High, need beyond the very essence of our Messiah? If the Holy Spirit can bind the strong man [Satan] and his principalities/powers of darkness (Mark 3:27), calm the storms of, in & around our lives (Mark 4:39-41), and heal/restore the seemingly impossible (Mark 5)… why would we do or think otherwise? After all, Jesus Himself said, “Do not fear, only believe” (Mark 5:36, ESV), right? You better believe He did! Amen.

– Contributed by Bro. James Agtuca