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Today’s Food for the Soul: Luke Chapters 5-7

Today’s Food for the Soul: Luke Chapters 5-7

Jesus Is the Lord of All

“Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?” (Luke 6:46, NIV)

Jesus is Lord of all creation (Luke 5:1-6). Whether they walk, swim, or fly, every dwelling thing on earth is under his authority. In these verses, certain seasoned fishermen who toiled all night have given up because they caught no fish. They were cleaning up their nets because it has been a fruitless tiresome labor.  But Jesus spoke and commanded them to let down their nets again. With what humility and obedience did Simon Peter answered. “Lord, I’m telling you, it’s not a good time to fish for after working hard, we caught nothing, but If you say so Lord, we will do it again.” And Hallelujah, we know how that story ended. They caught so much fish that the boat began to sink for the heaviness of their nets.

Jesus is Lord of restoration (Luke 5:13). A leper with putrefying flesh, decaying body, dead nerves, basically a walking corpse has been recreated to health and wholeness once again. Oh, the omnipotent power of the Lord of glory! Are you in need of healing? Put your faith in the one who can restore from death to life, from decay to deliverance, from hell to heaven.

Jesus is the Lord of Love (Luke 5:20). Bless the Lord who forgives all our sins and heals all our diseases. In this verse, He not only healed the paralytic but wiped all his debt against God. Oh, the joy of being forgiven! 

Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath (Luke 6:5). The Sabbath is the day of rest. There is an eternal Sabbath awaiting those who will call on the Lord Jesus Christ. And He is Lord there. It is the state of everlasting peace and rest called heaven. Are you ready for that place? You know, heaven is a prepared place for prepared people. Are you prepared to spend eternity with Jesus? But you cannot bring your sins there, your vices, your lustful thoughts, your greed, your love for the world, and the pride of this life. Your evil ways have no place there… Are you ready, friend? If not, make your peace with God before it’s too late. Let us enter into that rest and let no one fall short of entering the “Joy of the Lord” for those who repented and placed their faith in Him. Amen.               

   – Contributed by Sis. Debbie Cavero