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Today’s Food for the Soul: Luke Chapters 8-10

Today’s Food for the Soul: Luke Chapters 8-10

Rejoice Because Your Names Are Written in Heaven

“Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.” (Luke10:19-20, NIV).

In this situation, the seventy disciples of Jesus had a supernatural experience as they ministered to people. Returning to their master, they were joyful – imagine their excitement to tell Him that even the demons are subject to them in His Name! Who will not feel elated with such an experience? To witness healing miracles is such a privilege – how much more to be used as an instrument to perform such incredible works!

Just like Jesus Christ’s disciples, we tend to get excited and wrapped up with the things of this world and are heightened by what we experience and witness. We desire to see miracles (instantaneous healing), signs and wonders, and witness people being delivered from spiritual oppression and bandage such as addiction.  Is that bad? I say, not at all! We praise and thank God for them! But we need to remember that those happen because the Name of Jesus is Powerful! It is not our doing. If we forget the source and the purpose, it will distract us instead of strengthening our faith.

Just as the Lord asserted His disciples, we must not forget that the most significant experience we had was that we got saved through Him – our salvation is our greatest miracle!

This same truth will direct our focus in understanding that the lives of those who are saved and restored to God through our witness are more important than anything else.

Therefore, our most remarkable ministry as believers is to witness that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the savior of the world! To bring to people the Good News of salvation, praying that their spiritual eyes be open, and their hearts receive the Savior, Jesus Christ – and that their names get to be written in the Lambs Book of Life!           


   – Contributed by Ptr. Erline Crisostomo