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Today’s Food for the Soul: 2Corinthians Chapters 5-9

Today’s Food for the Soul: 2Corinthians Chapters 5-9

Let Us Be Cheerful Givers!

“But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:6-7, NKJV)

We often hear this verse used for tithes and offerings. But as we read the passage, the original context is not about the tithes and offering practices of the church. The Apostle Paul is imploring the Corinthian believers to be generous in their giving to help the poor and needy Christians, which the passage refers to as the “ministering for the saints.”

One of the important emphases of Paul’s message was the principle of sowing and reaping that goes beyond financial giving. Remember the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ, like forgiveness (those who forgive will be forgiven), sacrifice (those who gave up their life for the Lord will find life), and many others. It all points back to the motives of the heart. A cheerful heart gives generously without grudging and without expecting something in return.

When was the last time you took advantage of the opportunity to be a blessing to others? Have you had a chance in your life to give abundantly, like your time, service, and assistance to your neighbor? Yes, it includes the time and services we offer to the community (volunteerism) and, first and foremost, the time and services we provide to the Lord’s ministry. 

Remember, God is a generous God, and we cannot outgive Him. By lending a hand to someone in need, we reap the benefits because of His promises. God’s reward for generosity is not always material blessings. As Paul says, “my God will supply all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19)

As God, our heavenly Father, continuously pours out his blessings upon us, let us be a channel of blessings. Do not let His blessings come to an end on you but allow it to flow to others. Let us pray to have a generous heart just like Him in Jesus’ mighty name! Amen!

– Contributed by Ptr Neil Marlon Crisostomo