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Today’s Food for the Soul: 2Thessalonians Chapters 1-3

Today’s Food for the Soul: 2Thessalonians Chapters 1-3

Who Can Comfort and Establish You?

“Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good hope by grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work.” (2Thessalonians 2:16-17, NKJV)

Let me point you back to what the Apostle Paul said in 1Thessalonians 2:7-8. “But we proved to be gentle among you, just as a nursing mother cares for her children, so we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel but our lives as well.” In these passages, the Apostle Paul showed himself to be, like His Master, a true under-shepherd of the sheep and not a hireling. He described himself as a caretaker, a caregiver, and most of all used the analogy of a nursing mother, a nourishing mother who cared tenderly for her newborn child.  Indeed this maternal instinct is powerful, this love is unexplainable, and this love naturally flows out of her.  What is the love of a mother? This love could be one of the purest, most benevolent love of all, not wanting anything in return. A loving mother gives her all to tenderly care for her children, makes every effort to shield and protect them, makes sacrifices for them, and gives her best effort to make sure they are loved and nourished. This love is the type of fond affection Paul has for the Thessalonian Christians.

In Paul’s admonition to Timothy on being a minister of the Lord, he said, “… must not be quarrelsome, but kind to all, able to teach and patient” (2Timothy 2:24). The usage of “kind” in the original Greek is the same as “gentle.” Indeed, we may know many leaders who are eloquent, skilled, and knowledgeable in the Word. Still, the ministry never flourishes because the ministers do not exhibit warmth, kindness, or gentleness toward the flock. They are missing the love factor. 

If God entrusts us with a ministry, a true and faithful servant of the Lord must be worthy of this calling. How many evil leaders throw their weight around, fleecing the flock, using them in the ministry instead of serving them, making money, and enriching themselves from gullible members, lording it over their congregation to feed their ego or make themselves the masters of their followers? That is how one can distinguish a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

So let us honor leaders like Paul, who carried his ministry in pure love, unadulterated motive, and gentle compassion on the people he is serving. But above all, let us honor God and the Lord Jesus Christ, his model, the Great Shepherd! To whom do you think the Apostle Paul learned how to be a great minister? Have you also noticed that he wants their hearts to be directed to God and Jesus Christ and not on him?

All ministers are limited to what they can do. Remember that none can surpass the love and comfort that the Lord gives. A minister may assist you with your growth in the Lord, but Jesus is the one who can establish you in every good Word and work as you commit your life to Him.

– Contributed by Sis. Debbie Cavero