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Today’s Food for the Soul: 1 Timothy Chapters 4-6

Today’s Food for the Soul: 1 Timothy Chapters 4-6

Absolute Devotion to God

“Be diligent in these matters, give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress.” (1Timothy 4:15, NIV)

In the preceding verses of Chapter 4, we read how the Apostle Paul admonished and instructed young Timothy about certain duties and responsibilities of a good minister and how he ought to carry out his calling as Pastor of a Church. 

The original Greek expression, “give yourself wholly to them,” (“totus in ellis”) means to be fully immersed in them; to devote his life fully to this work, to have no other grand aim of living – to make sure his time, attention, and talents are to be absorbed in the proper accomplishment of this work.

In describing certain occupations, we hear of men in uniform (soldiers), men of business, men of science, men in blue (police officers), etc.

A minister aims to be a “man of God” in every sense of the word.  Being a Pastor is such a special and unique occupation. While others can have a season of relaxation, this calling is one that a minister carries everywhere, whether on the beach or a pulpit, in the palace or the poor man’s house, in a place of joyous celebration or a house of mourning, at home or abroad. It is one robe that you could never put off. While the judge can lay down his robe after a court trial, a teacher can remove his uniform, and a soldier can have his rest and relaxation, a faithful minister can never completely lay aside his work.

When the Lord said to some of his wannabe followers to “Let the dead bury their own dead; No one puts his hand to the plow and looks back,” he was trying to tell them that this ordination demands entire devotion. “Do not greet anyone on the road” was Jesus’ instruction when He commissioned the disciples two by two, which shows urgency, focus, and commitment to this work. 

Do you feel the call of God in your life? Have you counted the cost of following him? Even if we are not called into full-time ministry, we should still exhibit the same devotion, for we are Christians first before we are nurses, teachers, accountants, politicians, etc. And as the song says, “to set our minds on this one endeavor, to worship forever His Majesty.” To whom all glory and honor belong! Amen.

– Contributed by Sis. Debbie Cavero