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Today’s Food for the Soul: 2Corinthians Chapters 10-13

Today’s Food for the Soul: 2Corinthians Chapters 10-13

Glory in the Lord

“But ‘he who glories, let him glory in the Lord.’” (2 Corinthians 10:17, NKJV)

The Apostle Paul wrote that many false teachers were trying to manipulate and take advantage of the church at Corinth. These teachers boasted about their achievements to validate themselves and accused Paul and his fellow workers of burdening the church. In turn, Paul refuted the false accusations and described how much he dedicated to his ministry out of love for the church. However, Paul did not desire to boast about himself. He declared that if he should brag, then it would be about the Lord’s works in his life.

The Apostle Paul was knowledgeable and did many great works for the kingdom of God. Though he frequently endured persecutions, he never forsook his ministry. Nevertheless, Paul knew that being prideful about himself was foolish. He knew that God’s power was much more impressive. Through Paul’s weaknesses and flaws, God showed His strength. These imperfections helped Paul remain humble and rely on the Lord for his life and works. (See 2 Corinthians 12:9)

When we do great works, especially for God, it is normal to feel satisfied and fulfilled from the accomplishments, but it is wrong to let pride swell in our hearts. Remember that God is the source of our needs and the sustainer of our lives. On the other hand, do not feel discouraged about what you lack and where you fall short. Problems and weaknesses are great opportunities for God to show His unfailing ability to rescue us and transform our hearts. Understand that we should not compare our issues or ailments to others’. Instead, we should be excited to witness God’s work in our lives.

Christ has done so much for us, and when we realize this truth, it is easy to be proud of our God! He always fulfills our needs and redeems us from our downfalls. Though we should not be arrogant, we can boast about one thing – God has done  marvelous works in our lives!

– Contributed by Bro Neil Elijah Crisostomo