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Today’s Food for the Soul: 2 Timothy Chapters 1-4

Today’s Food for the Soul: 2 Timothy Chapters 1-4

Are You Fighting a Good Fight of Faith?

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2Timothy 4:7, NKJV)

Nowadays, there is so much interest in video games, especially if it has something to do with warfare or fighting.  My father used to tell me and my sister about the world wars that happened in the past, which stirred our interest in history. However, there was a war worth fighting, more interesting, and more life-changing, and of a greater value than any war ever battled, heard about, played by, or participated in by man. 

Are you a Christian?  Then you know what I am talking about – it is called spiritual warfare.  Another question I might add is, “Are you fighting?”

Or have your spiritual senses been dulled by the devil, or you have been deceived by worldly lust that you don’t even know that there is a fight going on right now for your soul and the souls of mankind? 

Are you fighting?  Let us learn from the Apostle Paul.  His spiritual eyes are open; his spirit is in tune with the other world. He is aware of what is really going on in this earthly existence called life.

There is a war, people of God! It is as real as any battle this side of eternity has fought.  There are casualties, wounding, fatigue, victories, successes, and taking the enemies’ camp in earthly battles. And there is no difference in spiritual warfare. 

Let me ask the question again: “Are you fighting?” Are you striving in prayer that the Lord’s kingdom come and God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven?  Are you praying for souls to be brought to the kingdom of God?  Are you battling in your personal life, the world, the flesh, and the devil?  Or maybe you have given up the fight. Perhaps you have gone back to being preoccupied with worldly lust and ventures? Maybe the cares of this world have weighed you down, and you cannot think of anything else but the new car, the new purchases, the new fashion, or the new promotion.  Oh, Christian reader, the Apostle Paul admonished Timothy to fight the good fight of faith and lay hold of eternal life.  This world is passing away. Do not be deceived!

– Contributed by Sis. Debbie Cavero