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Today’s Food for the Soul: Acts Chapters 18-19

Today’s Food for the Soul: Acts Chapters 18-19

Have a Teachable Spirit

“This man had been instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things of the Lord, though he knew only the baptism of John. He began to speak boldly in the synagogue. When Aquila and Priscilla heard him, they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately.” (Acts 18:25-26, NKJV)

In Acts 18:24-28, we read of a fired-up Jew named Apollos, who, “being fervent in Spirit, spoke and taught accurately the things concerning Jesus.” Highlight the word **ACCURATELY**! Now see the very next verse (v.26): “…they took [Apollos] aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately…” Now highlight the words **MORE ACCURATELY**! Let us learn from this brother and the two individuals, Aquila and Priscilla — also Jews — who had “further trained” Apollos. You see, despite Apollos’ “abundant eloquence” and “competence in the Scriptures” (v. 24), there was still a natural limitation holding himself back… if that’s how one would like to interpret it.

I, personally, like to view it more as a natural limitation that could only be realized [and surpassed] via the counsel and training of fellow believers of Christ and disciples in the faith.

Aquila and his wife Priscilla, technically Italians who had met with Paul in Corinth, took note of Apollos’ boldness and passion for proclaiming God’s message. However, they recognized that Apollos lacked further knowledge beyond the baptism of John. So, what did they do? They equipped Apollos to such a degree that “he was a tremendous help to the believers and caused them to increase in grace” (v. 27, TPT). In fact, “Apollos BOLDLY and PUBLICLY confronted the Jews, vigorously debating them, proving UNDENIABLY **from the Scriptures** that Jesus was [indeed] the Messiah” (Acts 18:28, TPT).

Colossians 3:17 says, “…whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father” (NLT). Like everything else in the Bible, this passage can very well be extrapolated to several things in one’s Christian faith and walk with God.

Remember, we are all now “brand ambassadors” of our gracious King and representatives for a much higher calling than what most realize — the Great Harvest (see Luke 10:2 and 2 Corinthians 9:10). So, with that said, do you have mentors? Brothers/Sisters in the faith, who can keep you accountable? Anyone who can further see your deficiencies and offer correction and encouragement? You must! Why? It is simple – because there’s strength in numbers, and there’s power in unity! Amen.

– Contributed by Bro James Agtuca