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Today’s Food for the Soul: Acts Chapters 27-28

Today’s Food for the Soul: Acts Chapters 27-28

Preach the Gospel with All Confidence

Then Paul dwelt two whole years in his own rented house, and received all who came to him, preaching the kingdom of God and teaching the things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ with all confidence, no one forbidding him. (Acts 28:30-31, NKJV)

The last chapter of the Book of Acts ends with these two verses that sum up the last two years of the Apostle Paul’s life in which he remained fully engaged in preaching the Gospel of Salvation through Jesus Christ. As we can recall, he was courageous to face his ministry adventures and life-threatening situations and experienced hardships in all his travels through land and sea. But with all that he has gone through, he remained faithful. He continued to preach and teach the Gospel even while he was under house arrest. He remained courageous, bold, and flexible to all who came to him, whether Jews or Gentiles, and received them without restrictions. The outcomes of his faithful perseverance – some believed, and some did not.

Learning from the Apostle Paul’s example, we should not falter even when faced with opposition and rejection. He has complete confidence knowing that the Lord Jesus Christ is with him along with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. And indeed, we can have that confidence also, as we confirm our position in Christ and discern the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Furthermore, we should not be discouraged or frustrated when no one seems to believe us as we share the Gospel. Remember that our task is to share with compassion, honesty, and full disclosure of God’s Word and allow the Holy Spirit to touch and change people’s lives. Like Paul, we must continue with all confidence and let nothing stop us from declaring the Gospel of Salvation to all people.

Thus, we must keep on pleading with the Lord to cancel all hindrances that prevent us from sharing and whatever prevents people from receiving the Gospel of salvation. We must constantly pray, asking the Lord to strengthen us and be empowered by the Holy Spirit to continue sharing the Gospel with all confidence.

– Contributed by Ptr Neil Marlon Crisostomo