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Today’s Food for the Soul: Acts Chapters 8-9

Today’s Food for the Soul: Acts Chapters 8-9

Overcome Your Fear to Share

“But the Lord said to Ananias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel.” (Acts 9:15, NKJV)

In the early Church, the followers of Jesus Christ knew all about Saul. Ananias was probably shocked by the Lord’s command to look for this ruthless persecutor. His pleading to the Lord revealed his fear of being hunted down, arrested, bound, dragged into prison, and ultimately be martyrly executed for being a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. But even though he expressed his concerns, the Lord still commanded him to ‘Go.’ And how can he refuse the Lord who audibly twice ordered him to go and find Saul.

Overcoming his fears, Ananias went. And when he found the enemy of the faith, Saul, he prayed for him to receive his sight, be filled with the Holy Spirit, and then baptized him. By his obedience, Ananias witnessed the spiritual birth of the Apostle Paul. He also saw his dramatic change, which demonstrates what God’s grace can do to a person to alter and transform one’s past. Learning from Ananias, his obedience significantly impacted the growth of the Church.

Today many believers are afraid of sharing the Gospel even though there is no imminent threat to one’s life. Have you ever thought of being in the shoes of Ananias? Has the Lord been tugging in your heart to share the Gospel with a particular person? Have you been reluctant to share the Gospel? You will never know if you have not started to share the Gospel. Like Ananias, obey the Lord and see the fruits of your obedience. God might use you to find one – a teacher, a pastor, an evangelist, or a missionary that God will use mightily for the furtherance of His kingdom. But no matter who that person be, are you not excited to witness a person’s life changed because you shared the Gospel just as that person, who shared the Gospel to you, was excited and glad to see your life changed when you came into the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. What are you waiting for? Overcome your fear to share! I encourage you just as the Lord Jesus has commanded all believers, “Go!” (Matthew 28:19-20)

   – Contributed by Ptr. Neil Marlon Crisostomo