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Today’s Food for the Soul: Hebrews Chapters 5-8

Today’s Food for the Soul: Hebrews Chapters 5-8

Sign of Spiritual Maturity

“But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.” (Hebrews 5:14, ESV)

Our spiritual birth began when we received Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior – the decision that brought us into the spirit realm – we became born again! (John3:3)

The Passage in Hebrew 5:12-14 declares an expectation that we must progress from the state of spiritual infancy onwards, which means we need to grow and mature!

Can you imagine being spiritually aborted? Conception happened but did not materialize. How about imagining a person that remained a baby throughout his lifetime? An example of these situations is when the Word is either snatched, scorched, choked or succumbed and did not get a chance to grow in the person’s heart. So there is no evidence of progress to complete transformation because of the inability to understand or shallow understanding of the Word. There is no established relationship: Father and son/ daughter relationship, no submission, and never surrendered to the will of God.

So, as children born in God’s family, we must understand that our journey in this world requires submission to God’s will, constantly mindful, and have spiritual sensitivity through the help of the Holy Spirit.

Our lives or lifestyle must align with the will of the Father as His Son, Jesus Christ, did. And we can find God’s will in His Word – the Scriptures/ Bible. God’s Word is our spiritual food and must be taken daily for nourishment and growth.

Moreover, we need to allow God to feed us. On our part, we need to develop an appetite for His Word. And you don’t just chew the Word; you need to be able to swallow it. It is essential to know God’s will, but it is crucial to apply it in our lives. It must not remain as head knowledge, but we must put it into action. Spiritual maturity is evident as to the one who can discern and distinguish between good from evil – and act appropriately upon it. The outcome of our growth and spiritual maturity is reflected or shown in our decisions, attitudes, and actions.

– Contributed by Ptr Erline Crisostomo