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Today’s Food for the Soul: Luke Chapters 18-21

Today’s Food for the Soul: Luke Chapters 18-21

Always Pray and Not Give Up!

“And will not God bring about justice for His chosen ones, who cry out to Him day and night? Will He keep putting them off? I tell you, He will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:7-8, NKJV)

The Lord Jesus Christ was the most prayerful man who lives on earth. He exemplified a life of prayer. During his lifetime, He was in constant communication with His Father. There were many accounts in the Scripture that He isolates himself from the crowd, even from His disciples to pray (Matthew 14:23, Mark 1:35/6:46, Luke 6:12). We learned that when His soul was overwhelmed with sorrow before His death, His place of refuge was before His Father – praying! (Matthew 26:36-44).

As followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, we must make the most out-of-the power that prayer brings. It must be our lifestyle. If Jesus Christ himself capitalized on it, we need to find ourselves on our knees in prayer – realized that it is our lifeline to our Father!

When we approach God’s throne in prayer, we must align our attitudes with the teaching and admonition of our Lord.  In Luke 18:1, His instruction was to ALWAYS pray and NOT GIVE UP!

Standing on His teaching, we must do the same. We need to approach God’s throne consistently: Believing, declaring, and claiming in faith through Jesus Christ that we shall receive the answer to our prayers (Matthew 21:22).

Is there anything in your heart that you are praying for? Are you praying for your miracle healing? Are you praying for someone’s healing? Are you praying for the salvation of your family and friends? Whatever it is that you are supplicating for – continue to pursue God, do not give up – have faith; the word of our Lord says, it shall come your way if you do not give up. Put your confidence in the Lord – stand on His word and let Him be magnified in your life!

   – Contributed by Ptr Erline Crisostomo