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Today’s Food for the Soul: Matthew Chapters 11-13

Today’s Food for the Soul: Matthew Chapters 11-13

What’s Next? Transformation After Salvation

“Yet wisdom is justified by her deeds” (Matthew 11:19b, ESV).

Pause and reflect. If this 7-word sentence does nothing for you, place it against the background of Matthew 11:20-24, ‘Woe to Unrepentant Cities’. If you’re like me (i.e., someone who grew up in Church) and had the “advantage” of being born into “idyllic Christianity” — God-fearing parents, a purpose-driven life, transactional [versus transformational] salvation (youth camp, anyone?); the biggest risk with such an upbringing is the potential non-existence of an authentic, Apostle-Paul-Conversion moment in one’s life. A clear and defined break/separation between ‘Old Self’ and ‘New Self’ is created via genuine repentance and revelation of God’s redemptive work.
Here is where the said risk can jeopardize one’s faith walk: No matter the goodness of God or the greatness of His power is demonstrated in your life, without full dependence on Christ as your reconciler and the resulting indwelling of the Holy Spirit within you, the conviction necessary to combat our fallen world and overcome its sin and vices will be dangerously lacking. Moreover, one’s faith walk can become legalistic, opposing the very nature of Jesus — “Instead of offering sacrifices to Me, I want you to be merciful to others” (Matthew 12:7, CEV).
Remember, God has been incomprehensibly merciful on us: “…a bruised reed He will not break, and a smoldering wick He will not quench, until He brings justice to victory; and in His name the Gentiles will hope” (Matthew 12:20-21, ESV). Let this lead you to pursuing a holy/righteous life and, more importantly, toward showing grace and mercy to others. Amen.

 – Contributed by Bro. James Agtuca