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Today’s Food for the Soul: Matthew Chapters 18-21

Today’s Food for the Soul: Matthew Chapters 18-21

Broken Before the Savior            

“And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.” (Matthew 21:44, KJV)

Two individuals represent this passage: He who believes in Jesus Christ, is he who falls on the stone and is broken, whereas he who does not believe is the person the rock falls upon and will be grinded to powder.

I remembered the experience when I first encountered Jesus Christ and surrendered my life to Him. I realized how sinful and broken I am, and I recognized the desperate need of a savior? He fills in the void in my heart, He brings joy and fulfillment in me, His love upholds me, and His mercy surrounds me.

Years went by, and it still amazes me to see and experience His marvelous grace and abundance of love as a Savior and Lord.

Brokenness is the way to salvation when place in proper perspective. God’s words are like a mirror revealing every sin, guilt, and shame -because that is who we are. But what remarkable is, we do not have to continue in that state. As Psalms 51:17 says, God will not despise a sacrifice of a broken spirit and contrite heart because it is the very reason Jesus came – for our healing, redemption, and restoration.

The process is surely painful and intimidating because we do not want to be told that our ways are evil and not pleasing to God. Know that without Christ, our good works are just filthy rags before God (Isaiah 64:6).

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). Each of us must fall on to Jesus Christ and build our spiritual foundation on Him – He is the rock of our salvation!

 – Contributed by Ptr Erline Crisostomo