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Today’s Food for the Soul: Revelation Chapters 8-11

Today’s Food for the Soul: Revelation Chapters 8-11

Persevere and Endure

“And I looked, and I heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, “Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound! (Revelation 8:13, NKJV)

We all witness the global devastation brought by the Covid19 pandemic, which caused millions of people to fear, experience pain, anxiety, depression, and misery. The aftermath is widely felt even after the surge, and with cases trending down. Many have lost businesses, jobs, loved ones, and friends. The whole world felt it, irrespective of life status – rich or poor, young or old. The suffering was evident.

This kind of situation is not a surprise to those who are informed of God’s word. But sadly, many have not heard or believe that this kind of event or worse is coming. Remember, whether people know it or not, believe it or not – it will surely come! The book of Revelation has all the future events written down. It is just a matter of time! Are you ready?

What has already come to pass is nothing compared to the series of events that will happen in the future. The cascades of dramatic events found in the Book of Revelation chapter 6 continued – In chapter 8, the Seven Angels will bring judgment on the earth. Each event gives rise to another set or series of circumstances. These events reveal that the apocalyptic events will continue to increase in intensity, building toward the final defeat of evil and triumph in Christ.

As fearful as it sounds, these events give us believers a clear message that God is in control! God’s will and plan will ultimately be fulfilled. Therefore, we must stand firm and hold fast to His promise. Stand in the authority of God’s word! Let us trust His power and wait for His deliverance from whatever trials or tribulations we face- In Jesus Mighty Name!

– Contributed by Ptr. Neil Marlon Crisostomo